Mobility Parking - The illegal parkers!!

I don’t know about you but people that park illegally in mobility car-parks drive me absolutely insane!!!! I really could start a movement dedicated to persecuting “illegal parkers“. So it was with some degree of satisfaction that I received a letter this week from CCS saying that a new law will come into effect in July of this year which will see the “illegal parkers” on the end of a $150 parking fine.

Of course there is a ‘but’ and that is that this new fine will only apply to public parking which excludes private parks such as Pak n Save etc. On a daily basis I estimate that I probably see at least 2 “illegal parkers“. On the occasions I have asked people to move if they are not displaying a mobility card they’ve become extremely defensive!! I’ve also resorted to leaving notes on window screens and depending on the “illegal parker“ i.e the intimidation factor - have played the mind game card - “there’s a parking warden just coming around the corner.” That works really well and the “illegal parkers“ are extremely grateful!!

There is nothing more inconsiderate than an ”illegal parker.”
